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Schofield & Co Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:13   Auto Services   Auckland   36 views Reference: 17458
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Location: Auckland

Contact Info(s):

O: 095206369

F: 095241500

Opening hours


Products and Services


Murano, Tiida, HSV, Pathfinder, Barina, Navara, 4WD, Utes, AWD, Micra, Wingroad, Captiva, Maxima, X-Trail, Commodore


Car Leasing

Payment Options


Markets Served


Vehicle Style

Sedans, Convertible, Sport, Station Wagons, Hatchbacks, Coupes


Astra, Holden, Calais, Nissan, Saab, Hummer

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)

Payment options

Diner's Club
Credit Terms Available
Personal Cheques
Financing Available
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Gift Vouchers
American Express
Travellers Cheques
Money Orders

About Schofield & Co Ltd

HOLDEN - HSV - NISSAN - SAAB - HUMMER: WHEN YOU SIMPLY WANT THE BEST, USE THE NAME YOU TRUST. We go back as far as 1924, when Schofields sold their first Chevrolet. After many years spent in lower Broadway, Newmarket, in the mid 80's Schofields joined the Giltrap Group, and moved to the present site at 48-58 Great South Road.

Today we are proud to offer you the entire range of HOLDEN vehicles - from the compact Barina to the luxury Statesman and Caprice.Our passenger car range is supported by a comprehensive range of HOLDEN light commercials and recreational vehicles.

At Schofields, we also feature the awesome range of HOLDEN SPECIAL VEHICLES (HSV). These race proven vehicles offer the performance minded motorist the ultimate experience.

NISSAN - We've recently opened NISSAN showrooms at 58 Great South Road, Newmarket and 13 Nandina Ave, Botany, offering the complete range from Micra to Maxima, the new Qashqai and SUV and Commercial vehciles such as the Pathfinder and Navara.

SAAB from Europe, offers luxury and intelligent sophistication. Visit 50 Great South Road to inspect and test-drive the Saab range of sedans, convertible and estate vehicles. Affordable luxury.

HUMMER has been tested and retested on some of the most severe off-road terrain around and has triumphed every time. With full-time 4-wheel drive and competitive fuel efficiency, it's fully capable off-road and completely comfortable on it.

What makes us different

We are the top Holden and HSV dealer in Auckland. Besides selling both new and used Holden and HSV we also offer parts and servicing for all brands here in Newmarket. We look forward in satisfying all your motoring requirements.

Website: http://www.schofield.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/schofieldcars?fref=ts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GiltrapGroup

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