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Saint Clair Vineyard Kitchen Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 20:23   Food, Drink & Dining   13 Selmes Road RD 3 Rapaura Blenheim   42 views Reference: 150297

0.0 star

Click to get direction: 13 Selmes Road RD 3 Rapaura Blenheim

Contact Info(s):

O: 035705280

F: 035705449

Mailing address

PO Box 39149 LOWER HUTT 5045

About Saint Clair Vineyard Kitchen

Come and visit Saint Clair Family Estate Vineyard Kitchen to relax, sit back and enjoy the Saint Clair experience.

The newly renovated establishment is situated within a unique vineyard setting with views extending past the vines towards the ever changing and dramatic Richmond Range.

The sunny courtyard offers outdoor dining with some dining options amongst the vines. On a cooler day an extended veranda section can ensure customers continue to have the vineyard feel while being sheltered from the elements through extensive floor to ceiling glass sliding doors. A cosy fire provides ambience and warmth during the New Zealand winter, an ideal settling to relax and enjoy Saint Clairs award winning wines.

A perfect place for a visit for morning or afternoon tea with a selection of muffins and hot drinks available all day.

The extensive menu constantly changes reflecting some of the best seasonal produce and finest delicacies Marlborough as to offer. There are a range of options available to meet any dietary requirements.

The wine tasting counter is an area to discover the diversity of Saint Clair with a large selection of award winning wines available for tasting daily via an impressive wine preservation system.

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