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S + Designs Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 01:24   Professional Services   10A Mexted Terrace Tawa Wellington 5028   36 views Reference: 228574
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Servicing: Porirua City, Wellington City

Click to get direction: 10A Mexted Terrace Tawa Wellington 5028

Contact Info(s):

O: 0221053040

About S + Designs

S+ Designs helps turn concepts and ideas into reality through designs created to the highest possible standards.

Every element of the structure is determined according to our clients' vision and we understand the importance of details.

All projects we undertake are contract based.

Before we begin working on your design, we carry out a site assessment to gather relevant information.

With the data, we sketch physical drawings for what the structure will look like.

Then, with the latest software, we convert these designs into working drawings.

Throughout this process, we actively listen to you and incorporate your valuable feedback into the design.

On completion, we deliver the design to you in a format that can directly be forwarded to your local authority and/or construction manager for further processing.

We specialise in residential additions and alterations, so if you are looking to remodel your home, we're the service you need.

Give us a call today!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SDesigns-1651244328427663

Twitter: https://twitter.com/splusdesigns

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