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Rotorua Sheetmetals Limited Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:14   Professional Services   62 Pururu Street Mangakakahi Rotorua   28 views Reference: 115021

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Click to get direction: 62 Pururu Street Mangakakahi Rotorua

Contact Info(s):

O: 072626717

F: 073496032

Opening hours


Products and Services


Shelving, Benches, Cabinets, Stainless Countertops, Handrails

Markets Served

Commercial, Industrial


Machine Shop


Steel, Stainless Steel, Sheet Metal, Mild Steel, General Sheet Metal, Aluminium, Metal


Building Maintenance, Bending, Folding, Fabrication, Custom Work, Repairs, Spot Welding, Aluminium Welding, Design, Machining, Installation, Manufacturing, Welding, Pressing


Locally Owned & Operated

Year est.


Parking options

Free On-Street

Payment options

Credit Terms Available
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Rotorua Sheetmetals Limited

At Rotorua Sheetmetals we can cater to all of your general sheet metal and specialised fabrication requirements. We can supply direct to the public and to contractors/businesses for larger projects. We offer the following services: * General sheet metal work * Aluminium * Stainless steel * Galvanized * Mild steel We can build just about anything you need whether its a one off item or large scale volume orders. We regularly manufacture and repair: * Kitchen extract systems * Kitchen hoods * Ventilation systems * Flashing's * Welding * Duct manufacture * Stainless steel handrails * Dust and fume extraction If you have something a little bit different, give us a call as we can usually do the job cost effectively for you. **Call today** and discuss your next project requirements with our team.

What makes us different

We specialize in Sheet metal and stainless steel fabrication, all under one roof. We can ship anywhere in the North Island

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