Rosiez Collision Repairs Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:32 Auto Services 10 Gerald Connolly Place Hornby Christchurch 27 views Reference: 86855Contact Info(s):
F: 039621717
About Rosiez Collision Repairs
Rosiez Collision Repairs are local providers in the Automotive Repairs category. Established in the 2013, we have 5 years of experience in the Canterbury Region. Give us a call today!
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Seller Information
Rosiez Collision Repairs
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About Seller
Rosiez Collision Repairs specialise in great service & quick turnaround - where quality & workmanship is guaranteed.
We're your collision repair specialists in Christchurch with 2 branches now in Sydemham, and recently opened in Hornby.
Our services include:
Panel Beating & Spraypainting
Free Loan Cars & Vans
Free Pick-up & Delivery
Onsite Insurance Claims Assistance
Rosiez Collision Repairs specialise in:
Collision Repairs
Chassis Straightening & Alignment
Paint & Panel
Rust Repairs
Bodykits and Custom Painting
Motorbike Specialist (Harley Davidson, Honda & Kawasaki repairer)
Trucks, Diggers, Loaders (the full array and all work undertaken)
Our team of collision repair specialists is friendly and reliable and we use the latest technology, so you can be assured that you're receiving the best quality service and assistance during a trying time of having you vehicle repaired.
We can undertake work for all major insurance companies and now you can find us on Facebook.
For more information, visit our website or call us now for any queries or for a free estimate!