Rollformers 2000 Ltd Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 02:30 Auto Services 55 Allens Rd East Tamaki Auckland 2013 28 views Reference: 23967Location: 55 Allens Rd East Tamaki Auckland 2013
Click to get direction: 55 Allens Rd East Tamaki Auckland 2013
Contact Info(s):
O: 092744898
F: 0800743374
Mailing address
PO Box 204352 Highbrook Manukau 2161
About Rollformers 2000 Ltd
Rollformers 2000 Ltd was established in 1983 by Peter Taylor with more than 50 years experience in the design and production of an extensive range of rollformed products.
It began operations in a small suburban factory and rapidly developed into a major supplier of custom rollformed products. Rollformers then relocated and currently operates from a purpose built factory on an industrial estate in Auckland, New Zealand.
The Rollformers Group, where possible, utilises raw materials with a New Zealand content, taking advantage of the high quality and cost competitive based materials available from local suppliers.
They are committed to the supply of customised steel products, hardware and coil slitting to exacting quality standards, on time and within budget.
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