Rodgers & Co Lawyers Ltd Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:04 Professional Services Servicing: Katikati Area, Rotorua Area, Tauranga Area 26 views Reference: 60230Contact Info(s):
O: 073496393
F: 074877129
Products and Services
TradesBarristers, Solicitors
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
ConcernsContracts, Dissolutions, Employment Disputes, Mortgages, Employee Agreements, Divorce, Business Loans, Grievances, Buy-sell Agreements, Agreements, Relationship Property, Investment Properties, Insolvency, Public Liability, Alimony, Bankruptcy, Disputes
Service OptionsOnline Information, Visit Us Online, By Appointment
PracticesFamily Law, General Practice, Property Law, Business Law, Estate Law, Employment Law, Criminal Law, Real Estate Law
ServicesCivil Litigation, Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Wills, Power of Attorney, Trusts, Property Agreements
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Over 20 Years Experience
About Rodgers & Co Lawyers Ltd
Rodgers and Co Lawyers pride themselves on personal, friendly service.
With many years of experience in all aspects across the legal system, Barry and his team work diligently to provide a high professional standard of work.
Rodgers and Co cover the whole Bay of Plenty with branches in both Rotorua and Tauranga.
Call the team for further information or see their website.
What makes us different
We are experts in the field of law and offer a professional service.
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