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Rob's Spraypainting Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 16:37   Auto Services   Ngaruawahia   22 views Reference: 252787
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Location: Ngaruawahia

Contact Info(s):

O: 078481759

F: 078481756

Opening hours


Products and Services


Early American, Antique, European, English, Formal, Classic, Traditional, Rustic


Kitchen Cabinets, Bookcases, Benches, Chests


Body Panels


Panel Shop, Paint Shop, Bake Oven, Spray booth


Dents, Scuffs, Collisions, Hot Tar, Rust, Hail Damage, Accident damage, Rust, Scratches


Refinishing, Custom Work, Paint Matching, Recovering, Custom Orders, Stripping, Spray Painting, Staining, Vehicle Painting, Touch-ups, Rust Repairs, Rustproofing, Wood Coatings, Rust Removal, Refinishing, Touch-ups, Rustproofing, Panel Beating, Spraying, Spray Painting, Repairs

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential, Commercial, Residential

Year est.


About Rob's Spraypainting

Are you looking for Car & Truck Painters in Hamilton?

Rob's Spraypainting provides quality Panel and Paint for Cars, Trucks, and Fleet Vehicles.

With over 25 years experience. Our professional staff and modern facilities can help you achieve this.

Our services include:

  • Two-Pack Paint Systems
  • Paint Touchups
  • Rust Removal
  • Paint Resprays
  • Panel beating
  • Furniture Coatings
  • and more

We understand time is valuable, so you can attend to daily duties we will provide you with a free courtesy car until your job is completed, and return your vehicle to you as soon as possible, looking better than ever.

Workmanship Guaranteed!!

If you want efficient, professional service at the right price, come and meet our friendly team for all your car and truck requirements!

What makes us different

Been in a car crash? We provide panel and paint services for a range of automotive vehicles. We pride ourselves on the expert knowledge we offer our customers and the latest technologies we employ to get the best results. For a professional service, call us today!

Website: http://www.robsspraypainting.com

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