Road Runner Panel & Paint Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:22 Auto Services 58 Bay Road Grasmere Invercargill 9810 24 views Reference: 205340Location: 58 Bay Road Grasmere Invercargill 9810
Servicing: Bluff Area, Invercargill Area, Riverton Area, Te Anau Area, Tokanui Area, Winton Area
Click to get direction: 58 Bay Road Grasmere Invercargill 9810
Contact Info(s):
O: 032156752
F: 0212615605
About Road Runner Panel & Paint
Simply the best for Panel Beating, Spraypainting and Plastic Welding since 1992!
Roadrunner Panel & Paint prides itself on quality workmanship and top notch customer service - meaning our customers leave us happy.
With a bake oven on site, a wide range of vehicles and other items can be painted from cars, trucks and motorbikes to caravans and boats, even kitchen items, house doors and more!
As members of the Collision Repair Association, all of our work comes with a lifetime guarantee - you can't get better than that.
We work with ALL Insurance companies so regardless of where your insurance company sends you, it's your choice!
Whether you are restoring a classic car, need some rust removed or if you are simply looking to touch up a small dent - Roadrunner Panel & Paint has both the experience and the facilities to help you out.
For more information please click the website link above link or call today to arrange an appointment.
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