Road and Sport Motorcycles Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 21:10 Auto Services Servicing: Coromandel Area, Hamilton, Huntly Area, Matamata Area, Taumarunui Area, Te Kuiti Area, Thames Area 22 views Reference: 271495Click to get direction: Servicing: Coromandel Area, Hamilton, Huntly Area, Matamata Area, Taumarunui Area, Te Kuiti Area, Thames Area
Contact Info(s):
O: 079581400
F: 079581409
About Road and Sport Motorcycles Ltd
The Waikato's only authorised dealer of HARLEY-DAVIDSON.
Road & Sport Motorcycles in Hamilton have a huge range of new and used Harley-Davidson motorcycles, a Harley-Davidson rental service as well as Waikato's biggest range of genuine parts, accessories and motorclothes.
Also offering On the spot, low-cost finance and Harley-Davidson insurance.
Our technicians are factory trained and specialise in Harley-Davidson repairs and servicing.
Visit our showroom which is on the corner of Te Rapa Straight & Garnett Avenue, Hamilton or give us a call!
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.