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Riteway Paint & Panel Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 03:39   Auto Services   2A Eden Street Oamaru   22 views Reference: 188949
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Click to get direction: 2A Eden Street Oamaru

Contact Info(s):

O: 034349362

Products and Services


Collision Repair Association

Courtesy Services

Courtesy Cars


4WD, Trucks, Cars, 4WD


Chassis, Windscreens

Insurance Accepted

AMI Insurance, Tower, Vero

Service Areas

Local, Regional

Vehicle Features

4WD, 4WD


Bake Oven


Car Accidents, Flat Tyres, Breakdowns, Lockouts, Dead Batteries, Accidents, Collisions, Punctures, Rust, Collisions


Accident Recovery, Recovery, Salvaging, Welding, Painting, Insurance Work, Towing, Finishing, Rust Removal, Repairs, Frame Straightening

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential



About Riteway Paint & Panel

If you want professional, efficient service from skilled mechanics, we are the people to call. We do a 24 hour towing service and are insurance approved. We have been servicing around Oamaru South, North and Central.

Riteway Paint & Panel have been in the industry for over 20 years, our skilled team can do spray painting, glass repair, rust removal and welding for the residential and commercial market. Our other services include:

  • Salvage from motor bikes to 8 m campers.
  • Crane truck available
  • Hook trucks
  • 24 hours break down service
  • Insurance and private
  • Storage providers

We are the only CRA collision repair member in Oamaru, and can provide a courtesy car while your car is out of action.

So if you need breakdown or accident towing service or professional panel beating service, call or visit Riteway Paint and Panel today!

What makes us different

If you need Breakdown and Towing services we are the people to contact. With extensive experience in the industry, our team off nothing but the best. Our service is prompt and fitted to customer demands.

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