Right Price Autos Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:56 Auto Services 40B Maleme Street Greerton Tauranga 3112 17 views Reference: 65447Location: 40B Maleme Street Greerton Tauranga 3112
Servicing: Bay Of Plenty
Click to get direction: 40B Maleme Street Greerton Tauranga 3112
Contact Info(s):
O: 075713055
About Right Price Autos
Right Price Autos are your one stop local wreckers and repair shop!
We specialise in Mitsubishi, Honda and Subaru parts BUT WAIT! - We will source, supply and fit parts for all makes and models!
Take the hassle out of trying to find or fit parts yourself, CALL US TODAY!! We're here to help!
We do all automotive repairs and fit all parts too!
We are Capricorn Suppliers, WINZ Approved Repairers and offer GENOAPAY! Yes, CALL US TODAY!
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Right Price Autos
Total Listing
About Seller
Right Price Autos are your one stop local wreckers and repair shop!
We specialise in Mitsubishi, Honda and Subaru parts BUT WAIT! - We will source, supply and fit parts for all makes and models!
Take the hassle out of trying to find or fit parts yourself, CALL US TODAY!! We're here to help!
We do all automotive repairs and fit all parts too!
We are Capricorn Suppliers, WINZ Approved Repairers and offer GENOAPAY! Yes, CALL US TODAY!