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Richmond Preschool Limited Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:48   Child Care Services   67 Oxford Street Richmond 7020   34 views Reference: 162733

0.0 star

Servicing: Nelson Area

Click to get direction: 67 Oxford Street Richmond 7020

Contact Info(s):

O: 035440556

F: 0279720856

Opening hours


Products and Services


Games, Fitness, Jumping, Storytelling, Puzzles, Interactive Games


Manners, Social Skills, Science, Maths, Literacy, Reading, English, Crafts, Writing


Locally Owned & Operated, Privately Owned & Operated

About Richmond Preschool Limited

Located in central Richmond, we are a Preschool catering for children from 2-5 years. We are providing a high-quality early childhood education for children where we ensure that children are well prepared for life and later schooling.

Our caring, well trained teachers who are passionate about teaching and caring for children offer the opportunity for all children to develop an enjoyment of learning and to discover their own strengths, interests and next steps.

There is so much more to us than meets the eye, so pop in and check out our two large classrooms, two spacious outside play areas and ask about how we can meet your child's educational needs,

For more information about our services, please call us today.

What makes us different

We provide a high-quality early childhood learning environment, one which constantly seeks to discover the needs and interests of each child and family and to then work to meet goals set by families, teachers and the children to enable each individual to learn and grow to the best of their potential.

We have a transition to school programme, in which we encourage 4 year old children to participate in activities which will prepare them for school days. including beginning reading and writing activities that enable them to head off to school, confident in their abilities to enjoy learning and to succeed.

All children are encouraged to challenge themselves to achieve their own next steps and to contribute to setting their own programmes through having strengths and interests identified and acknowledged.

Parental goals for children are also extremely important to us and these are sought out and integrated into our programmes.

We have had an ERO review in early 2018 and achieved a well-placed rating which is excellent for a new early childhood centre, so please check out our review online at www.richmondpreschool.co.nz and ero.govt.nz search Richmond Preschool

Website: http://www.richmondpreschool.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Richmond-Preschool-611232355737423/

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