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RestorFX Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 18:31   Auto Services   51 South Road Horowhenua Levin 5510   24 views Reference: 145054
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Click to get direction: 51 South Road Horowhenua Levin 5510

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800500250

F: 0273683432

About RestorFX

Are you looking for automotive repairs near Levin?

We are the best in Automotive Paint refinishing! Using superior technology backed by years of research and development.

To restore a vehicle's finish to look like its original factory condition, RestorFX pioneered the most advanced paint restoration and paint correction technology on the market called Polymimetic Coating Technology.

The new technology called Polymimetic Coating Technology mimics and blends with the original finish, chemically adhering to it and filling-in damage for complete restoration.

Tested in various climates and in extreme weather conditions, and over a 13 year period. RestorFX is the result of many reformulations and can assure there is nothing else like it.

Our goal is to bring innovation and technology to the automotive industry, inspiring businesses to grow beyond their traditional limitations.

Through our business practices and actions, we remind those we encounter that principles and relationships are not to be lost in the bottom line. They are the bottom line.

RestorFX is in the business of delivering the most efficient, permanent, and innovative technology and products on the market with the goal of bringing the automotive detailing and refinishing industry to the leading edge.

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