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Reids Family Law Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 17:27   Professional Services   61 Bloomfield Terrace Lower Hutt 5010   30 views Reference: 273794

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Contact Info(s):

O: 045505780

F: 045505750

Opening hours


Products and Services


Domestic Violence, Domestic Assault, Domestic Violence, Domestic Assault, Traffic Violations


Family Lawyer, Defence Lawyers, Solicitors, Barristers, Defence Lawyers, Solicitors, Barristers


Family Law, Family Law

Markets Served

Residential, Residential


Child Relocation, Conflict, Custody, Visitation Rights, Parental Rights, Alimony, Child Custody, Disputes, Agreements, Divorce, Paternity, Child Support, Child Relocation, Conflict, Traffic Violations, Parental Rights, Alimony, Child Custody, Disputes, Agreements, Divorce, Paternity, Child Support

Service Options

By Appointment, By Appointment


Family, Family Court, Youth Court, Family Court


Claims, Prenuptial Agreements, Advice, Restraining Orders, Adoptions, Asset Protection, Document Preparation, Separations, Hearings, Guardianships, Consulting, Claims, Prenuptial Agreements, Restraining Orders, Adoptions, Asset Protection, Document Preparation, Separations, Hearings, Guardianships, Consulting


Locally Owned & Operated, Locally Owned & Operated

Year est.


Parking options

Pay & Display


Available for customers

About Reids Family Law

Reids Family Law, located with easy parking at 61 Bloomfield Terrace, Lower Hutt, is the first law firm in the Hutt Valley offering specialised family law services.

Reids is a specialist family Law Firm with a team of Lawyers who all have considerable experience of family law.

The group has come together because they share the same vision and passion for family law and how it should be practiced. Central to this vision is the fundamental belief that everyone is entitled to legal representation irrespective of that person's ethnicity, cultural background or financial position.

In order to achieve this Reids is not only committed to undertaking family legal aid work and Court appointments but also to offering hourly rates that are both affordable and competitive.

At a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult to access justice, Reids wants to bring the law back to the people and in so doing make things as simple as possible for those that they represent. The lawyers at Reids are experts in making this happen and will guide their clients through each stage of the legal process providing to them the best possible legal advice along the way.

As part of their comprehensive service, Reids offers free 20 minute consultations to discuss any legal issues.

Call one of the team for a confidential appointment on 550 5780.

What makes us different

At Reids, we pride ourselves on our culture - it is what sets us apart as a firm. We bring a collective approach to the representation of clients and combine and share our experiences as Lawyers to get you the best possible results.

Also, we have deliberately reduced our hourly rates in comparison to other firms so as to make the law more accessible to our clients.

Website: http://reidsfamilylaw.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reidsfamilylaw/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel



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