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Reds Hairdressing Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 19:41   Health & Beauty   8 Teihana Road Pukerua Bay 5026   34 views Reference: 286549

0.0 star

Servicing: Kapiti, Porirua City, Wellington City

Click to get direction: 8 Teihana Road Pukerua Bay 5026

Contact Info(s):

O: 042399479

F: 042398204

About Reds Hairdressing

Reds is an award winning hair salon, offering you the best in cutting, styling, colouring and hair advice. Our experienced stylists work with you to create a beautiful look that will leave you feeling confident and looking fantastic every time.

Our services include colouring, cutting, straightening, blow waving and styling. We cater for men, women and children, and offer fantastic wedding packages including in-depth consultation and trial of your hair style selection before your big day.

Check out our website to select a stylist to best suit your needs - and don't forget to say hi to George, our Salon Mascot who always has a friendly greeting for our customers.

Please visit our website to learn more about our stylists and the hair services we provide then call, email or book online to create an appointment today.

Mailing Address
8 Teihana Rd
Pukerua Bay

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