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Ray Haslar Autohaus Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:26   Auto Services   9 Virginia Avenue Eden Terrace Auckland   29 views Reference: 18786
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Click to get direction: 9 Virginia Avenue Eden Terrace Auckland

Contact Info(s):

O: 093735294

F: 093664563

Products and Services


Luxury Cars, Trucks, Cars, Luxury Cars, Trucks, Cars


Automotive Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics


Lights, Panelling, Panelling


Refinishing, Painting, Custom Work, Frame Work, Dismantling, Repairs, Panel Beating, Chrome Plating, Body Work, Balancing, Fleet Services, Refinishing, Custom Work, Repainting, Spray Painting, Repairs, Refinishing, Painting, Custom Work, Frame Work, Dismantling, Repairs, Panel Beating, Chrome Plating, Body Work, Balancing, Fleet Services


Dents, Collisions


Paint, Paint

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential

Service Options

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Courtesy Services

Courtesy Cars, Courtesy Cars


Audi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Aston Martin, Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Aston Martin, Volkswagen, Porsche

Year est.



Collision Repair Association
Collision Repair Association
NZ Retailers Association
NZ Retailers Association

About Ray Haslar Autohaus Ltd

Established in 1970, Ray Haslar Autohaus is recognised as a specialist in European and Japanese prestige motor vehicle repairs and refinishing.

We are a Authorised body PAINTERS AND REPAIRERS

Insurance work, Crash repairs, Spray Painting, Body Repairs, Chassis Straightning, Automotive repairs

Automotive dismantlers

Having achieved authorised appointments from leading European Marques allows us to keep pace with the latest technology and repair methods. Our commitment to utilising the recommended factory tools and information is mandatory in addition to using only genuine replacement parts.

These factors combined will ensure the retention of your vehicle's residual value. More importantly, consider the value attributed to the safety of your family and others.

Genuine factory recommended precision tools
As your repairer, we are totally aware of our obligation to carry out repairs to a factory standard, but we cannot perform this task on obligation alone.
To fulfil this requirement, we must meet stringent levels of skill, experience and a specialised tooling level.

Tools of the trade are mandatory for the repair of any motor vehicle.As your authorised Porsche,Audi,Vol kswagen and Mercedes-Benz repairer, we hold a full stock of specialised chassis and body tools, PLUS the necessary accompanying manufacturers literature and specification information.

One of the important tools we use is the CELETTE car body jigs for precision alignment of your vehicle.

Happy Motoring

What makes us different

At Ray Haslar Autohaus Ltd, we carry out repairs to a factory standard. We use genuine tools and genuine parts for your peace of mind. We are New Zealand's only North Island authorised aluminium collision repair facility.

Website: http://www.rayhaslar.co.nz

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