Rangiora Mazda Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 20:43 Auto Services 27 Southbrook Road Rangiora 22 views Reference: 105353Location: 27 Southbrook Road Rangiora
Click to get direction: 27 Southbrook Road Rangiora
Contact Info(s):
O: 033135329
F: 033135364
Mailing address
PO Box 669 RANGIORA 7440
About Rangiora Mazda
Rangiora Mazda are a Automotive Repairs provider. We have served customers in the Canterbury Region and have been a trusted provider for 20 years. Please contact us for more information.
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Seller Information
About Seller
Promotive Auto Electrical is expert in diagnosing the auto electrical needs of vehicles. A workshop generously outfitted with technologically advanced equipment provides optimum conditions for remedying vehicle faults in this constantly developing industry.
Vehicle servicing and maintenance is carried out by qualified technicians who pride themselves on being at the forefront of their trade. Promotive Auto Electrical stands behind all completed work with a guarantee of satisfaction, servicing vehicles within Rangiora and the wider Christchurch and North Canterbury areas.
Starters, Alternators, Lighting and wiring repairs
Stereos, Alarms, Central Locking repairs and installation
Engine tuning and diagnostics
Electronic ignition and injection repairs
Automotive electrical products and parts
Injector Testing and servicing
ABS and SRS repairs
Fully Qualified technicians
Courtesy cars available
Pick up and delivery
Mobile/Onsite service available
Give us a call today!