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Rachel Cox Psychotherapy Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 02:01   Medical & Emergency   Servicing: Hibiscus Coast, North Shore, Warkworth Area, Wellsford Area   27 views Reference: 21926

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Contact Info(s):

O: 094245859

F: 0272710790

Opening hours


Products and Services


Counselling, Counselling


Depression, Bulimia, Alcoholism, Grief, Behavioural Disorders, Anorexia, Illnesses, Addictions, Eating Disorders, Anger, Phobias, Anxiety, Life Crisis, Fear, Life Crisis, Crises, Alcoholism, Confidence, Self-esteem, Stress Reduction, Addictions, Stress, Divorce, Death, Abuse, Drug Abuse

Service Options



Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy


Individuals, Couples, Adults, Families

Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Personal Cheques
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Direct Debit
Money Orders

About Rachel Cox Psychotherapy

Here at Rachel Cox Psychotherapy we provide a range of psychotherapy and counselling services, specialising in family matters, to Individuals, couples and families throughout Manly, Whangaparaoa and the wider Auckland region.

Rachel Cox is a qualified psychotherapist who provides a safe, nurturing and confidential environment for you to explore personal difficulties you are facing, big and small. Rachel can assist you in gaining an understanding of your situation and provide you with solutions and resources to deal the problems you face.

As a professional psychotherapist Rachel is confident in dealing with a range of circumstances including:
- Interrelationship issues
- Parent and child conflict
- Drug, alcohol and food abuse
- Depression
- Family therapy
- Death
- Divorce
Learn strategies to promote a more healthier happier you!

Contact our friendly team today with any enquiries; you can also visit our webpage for more information.

What makes us different

We provide Counselling Services to clients in the Dunedin region. As a highly qualified psychotherapist, Rachel can help with most situations of concern to you. Whatever your circumstances, give us a call and we would be glad to arrange an appointment.

Website: http://www.rachelcoxpsychotherapy.co.nz

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