Probuilt Engines Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 21:41 Auto Services Servicing: Southland Region 23 views Reference: 214678Location: Servicing: Southland Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 032159196
F: 032159144
Opening hours
- Mon
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- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial
VehiclesCars, Watercraft, Classic Cars, 4WD, Motorcycles, Trucks, Cars, 4WD, Vans
PartsRetreads, Seats, Pressure Gauges, Engines, Filters, Engine Bearings, Lights, Coils, Water Pumps, Timing Belts, Electronic Valves, Cranks, Filters, Lights, Cams, Valves, Water Pumps, Heads
Vehicle Features4WD
SourcePetrol, Diesel, Petrol, Diesel
ConcernsPerformance, No Starts, Cracks, Check Engine Light, Breakdowns
SystemsExhaust Systems
ServicesReboring, Cleaning, Assembly, Maintenance, Repairs, Engineering, Honing, Workshops, Grinding, Welding, Testing, Balancing, Machining, Reconditioning, Inspections, Boring, Oil Changes, Reboring, Diagnostics, Maintenance, Resurfacing, Repairs, Alignments, Cleaning, Grinding, Engine Rebuilding, Welding, Testing, Balancing, Inspections, Tune-ups
Vehicle StylePerformance
Parking options
Free On-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About Probuilt Engines Ltd
Probuilt Engines Ltd specialises in engineering repairs and reconditioning for both new and used engines. With 18 years of experience you are ensured to receive high quality and reliable service. We can service all cars from classic to light commercial.
At Probuilt Engines Ltd we are committed to providing you top notch quality service by fulfilling all your automotive servicing needs & parts at competitive prices. Our professional service include Reboring, Honing, Surface Milling, Valve & Seat Refacing, Welding, Crack Detection, Pressure Testing, Repairs, Blueprinting, Grinding, Balancing, Lineboring, Thread Repairs, Dyno Testing, Borescope Inspection, Bead Blasting, Acid Tank Cleaning, Timing Belts, Diesel & Petrol, Light Engineering and much more.
Call now for more information or a quote.
What makes us different
At Probuilt Engines, we offer comprehensive engine maintenance and repair solutions. Our team is highly experienced and trained in current, innovative technology. We pride ourselves on efficiency and reliability, meaning your task is done quickly by people you can trust.
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