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Proactive Rehab Ltd Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:53   Medical & Emergency   379 Gladstone Road Gisborne   31 views Reference: 118064

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Click to get direction: 379 Gladstone Road Gisborne

Contact Info(s):

O: 068684168

F: 068684169

Mailing address

PO Box 6074 Marion Square Wellington 6141

About Proactive Rehab Ltd

At Proactive, we believe that for people to perform at their optimum, or recover from an injury, we need to focus on each individual as a whole: their body, mind and their sleeping and eating habits.

Years in the industry has taught us that you can't just treat the site of injury alone.

The body doesn't work that way, everything is intertwined and it all needs considering. We call this approach the Four Corners of Health, and we've embedded it right across our company and services. We know that more than 90% of our clients return to full function following our programmes.

To make an appointment in any of our clinics or for general enquiries please call 0800 TOTAL YOU or 0800 868 259.

Proactive offers a range of services in physiotherapy, exercise physiology, occupational health and concussion services.

Visit our website for more information

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