Pro Bars 2008 Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:57 Auto Services Servicing: Cambridge Area, Coromandel Area, Hamilton, Matamata Area, Raglan Area, Taumarunui Area, Te Awamutu Area 20 views Reference: 246323Contact Info(s):
O: 078472375
F: 078472374
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
KindsCar Trailers
VehiclesVans, Trucks, Cars
EquipmentNudge Bars, Wiring Hitches, Bull Bars, Hitches
ProductsRoof Racks
ServicesCustom Work
Service OptionsFree Quotes
AssurancesGuaranteed, Certified
Year est.
About Pro Bars 2008 Ltd
Need a towbar fitted? Pro Bars 2008 Ltd provide a large range of tow bars and towbar accessories to choose from. Our staff are highly trained, fully qualified and keep up to date with industry standards and regulations. We also follow a 16-point safety checklist to ensure the job is done perfectly every time. Aside from provide high quality towbars we also provide professional, general welding services, talk to us about your requirements.
Products we provide include;
- A-Frames
- Bull Bars - Car Dollies
- Nudge Bars
- Roof Racks
- Running Boards - Shin Protectors
- Tow Balls - Tow Ball Covers
- ....and of course TOWBARS
Why choose Pro Bars 2008 Ltd?
- MTA Assured Towbar Specialists!!! (We accept MTA vouchers)
- All towbars are manufactured in New Zealand!!
- Quality is guaranteed!!!
- We are able to provide loan cars for a small surcharge.
We ensure a same day fitting service for all standard towbars or we can supply the bar you need and courier this to you anywhere in New Zealand!!!
We accept cash, eftpos & direct credit. All other forms of payment accepted but may have a surcharge.
Talk to us today, or visit our website for more information.
What makes us different
We have a 16 point safety check which is completed on every vehicle for making sure the job is completed perfectly. We are involved in the motor home & caravan industry offering COF towbars, A-frames & car dollies. Here at Pro Bars we have loan vehicles available for a small surcharge if you need transportation for the day whilst your vehicle is with us.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.