Prior & Palmer Ltd Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:25 Auto Services 111-115 Cambridge Street Levin 5510 25 views Reference: 279642Location: 111-115 Cambridge Street Levin 5510
Click to get direction: 111-115 Cambridge Street Levin 5510
Contact Info(s):
O: 063683411
F: 063680828
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
TradesPanel Beaters
Vehicle TypeDomestic, Imports
FeaturesEnvironmentally Friendly
Vehicles4WD, Cars, Utes, Vans, Cars
Vehicle Features4WD
ConcernsCar Accidents, Flat Tyres, Breakdowns, Lockouts, Dead Batteries, Accidents, Collisions, Auto Damage, Rust
FacilitiesBake Oven
Payment OptionsInsurance Accepted
PracticesInsurance Law
ServicesInsurance Inspection, Touch-ups, Repainting, Repairs, Accident Recovery, Recovery, Repairs, Repairs, Certifications, Painting, Collision Claims, Salvaging, Insurance Work, Towing, Body Work, Repairs, Replacement
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
AssurancesInsured, Guaranteed, Insured, Over 30 Years Experience, Guaranteed
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About Prior & Palmer Ltd
Prior & Palmer is a collision repair centre who can help with all your panelbeating and spraypainting requirements.
We use latest technology in our fully equipped workshop to help produce a high quality finish.
- Panelbeaters/spraypainters
- 24 Hour Service and Windscreen replacement
- Collision repair certification
- Glasurit water born spraypainting system.
At Prior & Palmer we offer free pick up and delivery and all our work is guaranteed.
Call now to find out more!
What makes us different
We offer exceptional painting services and quality insurance work. We will restore your damaged car back to its original state.
breakdown-towingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.