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Precision Chiropractic Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:46   Medical & Emergency   132 Eleventh Avenue Tauranga 3110   29 views Reference: 64424

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Servicing: Tauranga Area

Click to get direction: 132 Eleventh Avenue Tauranga 3110

Contact Info(s):

O: 075780875

Opening hours


Products and Services


New Zealand Chiropractors' Association


All Ages, Seniors, Women, Families, Adults, Men, Children, All Ages


Short Term, Temporary


All Faiths

Insurance Accepted

Accident Compensation Corporation, Southern Cross Healthcare

Service Areas

Local, Community, Regional


Craniosacral Therapy, Adjustments


Bowels, Back, Neck, Spine, Joints, Head

Price Information

Free Parking


Injuries, Migraines, Joint Pain, Headaches, Neck Pain, Sciatica, Injuries, Spinal Curvatures, Aches, Spinal Disorders, Head Injuries, Headaches

Service Options

New Patients Welcome, New Patients Welcome


Craniosacral Therapy


Evaluations, Spinal Exams


Preventive Care, Spinal Care, Preventive Care, Spinal Care


Locally Owned & Operated

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options


Mailing address

PO Box 15177 Tauranga 3144

About Precision Chiropractic

Looking for a Tauranga Chiropractor? Experience the DIFFERENCE here at Precision!

Suffering from back pain, headaches, migraines, disc injuries, general aches and pains or have a problem with your posture? Then make sure you book an appointment with Precision Chiropractic today. You can get started immediately, or your can ask for our Complimentary Chat which involves a brief chat with our friendly Chiropractor(s), involving no cost and no obligation to proceed with care.

Choosing the right office for your health concerns can be a very personal and important process, based on rapport and trust. We understand this, which is why here at Precision Chiropractic a consultation is simply a relaxed chat, where we get to know you, and you can find out a little about us before making a decision.

Experienced chiropractor Dr Edward Roper is dedicated to providing patients with comprehensive solutions for structural abnormalities, and functional conditions of the skeletal frame and nerve system. Rest assured if he can help you, or not, he will be able to point you in the right direction.

Making an appointment is as easy as visiting our website to book online, or giving us a call. Simply click on our website to learn more about the services we provide or call our friendly team to book a complementary consultation today.

What makes us different

At Precision Chiropractic, our focus and approach is an area of chiropractic called NeuroStructural Correction, which addresses the underlying cause of symptoms and secondary conditions. Rather than just repairing the visible signs of damage (symptoms), weve chosen to focus on the underlying foundation and structure of the body, to help the spine reach its normal structural position which better enables you to function at your best.

We have a strong emphasis on patient education and providing a comprehensive solution to your body's needs, with a team that is passionate about helping people understand how their body functions and what chiropractic care does to enhance and optimise your performance. We act as a resource centre for our patients and enjoy helping them develop a robust understanding of their body and its needs. Our office believes in the benefits of regular maintenance and our patients adopt these beliefs as they continuously see the results for themselves.

We offer a complimentary chat for all new patients, with no obligation to move forward with care. This ensures that they have a thorough understanding of our specific chiropractic methods and, most importantly, we are aligned in our goals for their health. In collaboration with other healthcare professionals, we prioritise the health, wellbeing, and education of our patients in order to help them perform at their best on a daily basis.

Website: https://www.precisionchiro.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrecisionChiroNZ/?ref=ts&fref=ts

Linkedin: https://nz.linkedin.com/company/precision-chiropractic-tauranga

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