Portacabinz Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 16:34 Auto Services Servicing: Coromandel Area, Hamilton, Huntly Area, Matamata Area, Morrinsville Area, Taumarunui Area, Te Awamutu Area, Te Kuiti Area, Thames Area, Tokoroa Area 27 views Reference: 252428Contact Info(s):
O: 0800904720
F: 075431724
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About Portacabinz
Portacabinz specialising in Hire or Sale of Portable Buildings. We are currently offering FREE DELIVERY! Call us now...
Portable Cabins a simple & affordable solution to everyday accommodation. Our portable buildings are great for Home Office Space, Granny Flat, Sleep Outs, Lunch Rooms, Holiday Home, Farm Accommodation, Trailer Home and Storage.
Portacabinz design, manufacture, deliver and install portable buildings, whether it be a fully self contained livable unit or just extra storage space you require, we will provide a solution to fit your needs.
Visit our Website for more information or contact our friendly staff to book your Portacabin today
What makes us different
Our portable building hire is a quick and cost-effective solution for people in any industry who require temporary or permanent buildings, either for work or accommodation. All our cabins are built by qualified tradesmen and are standards compliant. Each l cabin is fully insulated, fitted, with electrical power points, curtain tracks, vinyl floor coverings and comes with a 20 metre power lead.
The chassis on our cabins are strong and durable for constant relocation over many years. All cabins are transported via purpose built trailer (similar to caravans and motor homes) allowing us to provide a cost effective transport system. We offer free delivery within 100 kilometer radius of our Tauranga yard for customers hiring our cabins for six months or longer.
Website: http://www.portacabinz.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Portacabinz-966174380065559/info?tab=overview
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