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Pope & Gray Contractors Ltd Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 01:01   Home Services   55 Bidwills Cutting Road Greytown   26 views Reference: 226331

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Servicing: Wairarapa

Click to get direction: 55 Bidwills Cutting Road Greytown

Contact Info(s):

O: 063048911

F: 0274430750

Opening hours


Products and Services


Footpaths, Roads, Drains, Driveways


Driveways, Car Parks, Foundations, Driveways, Forest Tracks, Foundations


Decorative Concrete, Coloured Concrete, Gutters, Drain Cleaners, Drains, Kerbs, Topsoil, Compost


Contractors, Drainage Contractors


Compactors, Breakers, Backhoes, Front End Loaders, Diggers, Augers, Trucks


Leaks, Erosion, Stumps, Water Damage, Gray Water, Sewage, Clogged Drains, Wind Damage, Wastewater, Storm Damage, Sunken Floors

Service Options

Free Quotes, Free Estimates


Asphalt, Concrete, Drain Rock, Dirt


Landscaping, Site Clearing, Grading, Construction, Land Development, Excavations, Engineering, Cleaning, Drainlaying, Drain Cleaning, Land Clearing, Clearing, Tree Removal, Levelling, Breaking, Digging, Dumping, Surfacing, Clearing, Consulting, Bulldozing, Bulk Hauling, Cleaning, Demolition, Digging, Drilling, Construction, Customising, Contracting, Clearing

Price Information

Commercial Accounts, Government Contracts, Free Consultation


Locally Operated


Houses, Subdivisions

Year est.


Mailing address

PO Box 20 Greytown 5742

About Pope & Gray Contractors Ltd

At Pope & Gray we take pride in being a locally owned-and-operated contracting services company that delivers excellent service and quality workmanship with proven results.

Based in Greytown we are available throughout the Wairarapa region, and use our local knowledge to overcome any issues or common quirks of the local area that arise during excavation work.

Our areas of expertise include earthmoving for subdivisions, driveways, concrete kerbing, chip sealing and asphalt as well as farm tracks, drain cleaning, drain laying, septic tanks, and water and sewer connections.

Please visit our website for more information, then call or email to discuss all your contracting needs today!

What makes us different

We have a big range of Diggers & Excavators to suit all your earth-moving needs, regardless the size of the job. Specialized JCB machinery with both back end digger and front end loading and lifting capabilities that offers a much greater versatility.

Website: http://www.popeandgray.co.nz

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