PN PartsWorld Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 01:07 Auto Services Servicing: Hawkes Bay 25 views Reference: 125472Location: Servicing: Hawkes Bay
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Contact Info(s):
O: 0800150300
Opening hours
- Mon
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- Sat
Products and Services
AssociationsAutomotive Parts Remanufacturers Association
Vehicle TypeImports, Domestic
ModelsChallenger, Ute, Pajero, Lancer
Vehicle FeaturesPower Steering, 4WD, Power Windows, Manual, Automatic
ConcernsDamage, Dents
SourcePetrol, Diesel
PartsBody Panels
Service OptionsOnline Information, Visit Us Online
SystemsExhaust Systems, Suspension Systems, Steering Systems, Electrical Systems
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
Year est.
Mailing address
PO Box 950 Palmerston North 4440
About PN PartsWorld
Established in 1975, Palmerston North PartsWorld offers a friendly and accurate service for all customers.
Mitsubishi Car specialists, we also supply quality Recycled, New and Aftermarket Mechanical and Panel Parts to Commercial markets. We have an extensive range of car parts for most makes and models.
Right Parts, Right Service, Right Price
Our highly experienced team of automotive experts offer clients with service and knowledge second to none while supplying quality parts at reasonable cost.
- Quality parts for all Mitsubishi vehicles
- New, Used and Aftermarket parts for all models
- Upto 1 year 20,000km warranty on Petrol and Diesel Engines
- Free Nationwide Shipping
Visit our website for online parts and vehicle search.
Or call now to discuss your requirements.
We are currently dismantling:-
Airtrek, Challenger, Chariot, Colt, Diamante, Dingo, Dion, Galant, I-car, L200, L300, Lancer, Legnum, Mirage, Outlander, Pajero, V3000
What makes us different
Based in the central North Island, PN PartsWorld has the ability to provide an overnight service with realistic freight prices to virtually any region in New Zealand while our service overseas is prompt also. All parts that leave our premises are clean well wrapped and in excellent condition.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.