Pit Stop Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:49 Auto Services 33 Maurice Road Penrose Auckland 1061 114 views Reference: 245524Location: 33 Maurice Road Penrose Auckland 1061
Click to get direction: 33 Maurice Road Penrose Auckland 1061
Contact Info(s):
O: 096343666
F: 096343275
Mailing address
PO Box 122240 Penrose Auckland 1061
About Pit Stop
A straight up service from straight up people!Over 30 years ago, we began building a business based on service, quality and reliability. Today, our success story continues, as our franchisees and employees continue to solidify our reputation as NZ's Undercar Specialists.We do: Exhaust Brakes Servicing Suspension WOF Tyres TowbarsWith branches in all areas, there's a Pitstop near you! Free Vehicle Inspection Report available before work commences. It covers over 50 parts of the car and identifies any areas below acceptable standards.Our while you wait service transformed the automotive industry, and our customers' perception of fixing their car.Give us a call, or just call in!Auckland Branches: Auckland Airport - Tom Pearce Drive, Auckland 257 4071 Albany - 2 Volkner Place, Rosedale 448 2009 Botany Downs - The Hub, Botany Downs 271 3882 Browns Bay - 749 Beach Road, Browns Bay 479 5311 Glenfield - 95 Wairau Road, Glenfield 444 8082 Glen Innes - 201-205 Apirana Ave, Glen Innes 528 9734 Greenlane - 732 Great South Road, Greenlane 579 2302 Grey Lynn - 128 Great North Road, GreyLynn 378 6052 Henderson - 9A Moselle Ave, Henderson 837 1978 Manukau City - Cnr Cavendish & Norman Spencer, Manukau 278 3671 New Lynn - 3046 Great North Road, New Lynn 827 6577 Newmarket - 8 Roxburgh Street, Newmarket 520 4619 Onehunga - Cnr Selwyn & Princes Streets, Onehunga 636 8099 Otahuhu - 489 Great South Road, Otahuhu 276 7267 Pukekohe - 26 A Subway Road 239 2407 Silverdale - 4 Flexman Place Silverdale, Hibiscus Coast 426 7389 Takanini - 193 Great South Road, Takanini 298 4145 Warkworth - 27 Woodcock Road 425 7549 Westgate - Cnr Fernhill Dve & Cellar Court, Westgate 832 3878* Group Office - 33 Maurice Road, Penrose 634 3666
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