Pete's Panel & Paint 2008 Ltd Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:59 Auto Services 2 Braeside Avenue Tokoroa 3420 21 views Reference: 65759Location: 2 Braeside Avenue Tokoroa 3420
Click to get direction: 2 Braeside Avenue Tokoroa 3420
Contact Info(s):
O: 078868288
Products and Services
TradesPanel Beaters
VehiclesTrailers, Trucks, Cars, Trucks, Cars, Heavy Trucks
PartsBumpers, Chassis, Doors, Wheels
FacilitiesPaint Shop
ConcernsDents, Rust, Collisions, Dents, Scratches, Collisions, Accidents, Rust, Hail Damage
ServicesPainting, Removal, Paint Repairs, Vehicle Painting, Touch-ups, Colour Matching, spray painting, Alignments, Panel Beating, Restoration, Buffing, Paintless Dent Repair, Body Work, Repairs, Insurance Inspection, Touch-ups, Rustproofing, Colour Matching, Finishing, Paint Protection, Stripping, Panel Beating, Restoration, Buffing, Spray Painting, Detailing
About Pete's Panel & Paint 2008 Ltd
Based in Tokaroa, Pete's Panel & Paint 2008 Ltd offers a comprehensive range of restoration and collision repair services. We also do repairs for all insurance
You will discover we are nice to deal with, and have friendly and supportive staff plus we personally guarantee all our work.
Our wide range of services includes:
Restoration Work
Fiberglass repairs
Collision Repairs
Insurance Repairs
Structural WOF Repairs
Touch ups
Rust Removal
Plastic Welding
Chassis Straightening
Car Wheel Alignment
Truck & Trailer Wheel Alignment
Pete's Panel & Paint 2008 Ltd has 50 years of combined experience in painting and 45 years of expertise in panel beating. We offer Free pick up and delivery!
Call now for more information and to discuss your requirements!
What makes us different
We offer car and truck painting services in the Tokoroa region. We ensure that every vehicle we service recieves the highest standard of care with high quality parts, comprehensive attention to detail, and honest communication. Call us now to speak to our experienced tradesmen.
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.