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Peter Long Collision Repairs Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 05:08   Auto Services   77 Cook Street Palmerston North 4410   25 views Reference: 136548
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Click to get direction: 77 Cook Street Palmerston North 4410

Contact Info(s):

O: 063578060

F: 063578072

Opening hours


Products and Services


Collision Repair Association

Courtesy Services

Courtesy Cars




Panel Beaters

Insurance Accepted

IAG, AMI, State, NZI


Collisions, Accident damage, Dents


Paint Shop, Computerised measuring system, Spray booth, Bake Oven, Panel Shop

Payment Options

Insurance Accepted


Senior Citizen Discounts

Service Options

Free Written Estimates


Air Conditioning


Bodykit fitouts, Guard Rolling, Insurance Work, Dent Repairs, Restoration, Paint Matching, Panel Beating, Refinishing, Body Repairs, Bumper Repairs, Collision Repairs, Paint Repairs, Fleet Painting, Cutting, Panel Repairs, Collision Claims, Advice, Chassis Straightening




Collision Repair Association
Collision Repair Association

About Peter Long Collision Repairs

Peter Long Collision Repairs have been operating for over 28 years, which means you get experienced panel beaters and spray painters repairing and painting your vehicle.

When you call in for a quote you can expect friendly efficient service. Good customer service is required, but we deliver excellence.

Our team is fully qualified and our high standard of workmanship means you will never know your vehicle has been hit.

Insurance - State Insurance, IAG, AMI, Lumley Insurance, NZI, National Auto Club, and their associated insurance partners. We also do all other insurance companies work.

Safety - Safety is our number one priority, ensuring that our workshop is safe for our staff, anyone visiting and your vehicle.

Staff training - Our staff are trained by ICar New Zealand to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of Automotive Collision Repair for the ultimate benefit of the customer.

Our extensive range of services:

  • Insurance work
  • Private work
  • Fleet work
  • Small Aircraft
  • Air conditioning
  • Touch up bottles
  • Headlight Restoration
  • Motorcycles

Call in for your free estimate which usually takes only 10 minutes of your valuable time.

You will be greeted by knowledgeable staff who will listen to your requirements. We are also renowned for the lovely home baking on our counter, which is free to our customers and staff.

We are previous winner of the Golden Hammer Apprentice of the year.

What makes us different

Testimonials:Andy Baker - Thanks Pete, Yvonne, and Team for having me in your Business this past week, It was a pleasure to work with you all and I hope I managed to bring some value to your painting process by upskilling your already talented paint shop crew Dave and Mike. (Keep up the good work guys) Cheers Andy Baker PPG Technical Manager.Alisha McNaughton - Definitely looks amazing !! You should think about setting up a shop in Tauranga.Abbey Hewitt - Amazing service! Would recommend to everyone! I have a sports car that has needed work done twice and some places don't specialise in sports cars - but these guys know their stuff with all types of cars and they get the job done efficiently, quickly and perfectly! Super friendly staff and very very helpful! Will always go here when I need/want something done for my car! Thanks so much Peter Long Collision Repairs you're the best.Emma Davis - Awesome service!! Friendly staff, great communication, and a quick/great job. Thanks so much! Made for a really stress-free experience with my car and you will definitely be my go to from now on!

Website: http://www.plong.co.nz

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