Pet Doctors Palmerston North Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 04:55 Pet Services 84 Pitt Street Palmerston North 26 views Reference: 135232Location: 84 Pitt Street Palmerston North
Servicing: Palmerston North
Click to get direction: 84 Pitt Street Palmerston North
Contact Info(s):
O: 096242813
About Pet Doctors Palmerston North
Meet our Pet Doctors Palmerston North team. We have a big team consisting of highly qualified and experienced Vets, Vet Nurses, Client Relations and Cattery Attendants.
We also share the clinic with Dr Craig Irving of Eyevet Services, a registered specialist in veterinary ophthalmology, and groomers, Simon and Janet. Once a week we borrow Dr Andrew Worth, a registered specialist in small animal surgery, from Massey University for consultations and surgery.
Theres always something happening at Pet Doctors Palmerston North. Forty-four veterinary and veterinary nursing students spent a week or two at the clinic last year. Its a very busy place! Luckily, the clinic is spacious enough to fit all the staff plus patients in! The clinic opened at the end of 2004 and became part of the Pet Doctors group in 2010.
We pride ourselves on high standards of care and exceptional customer service.
Blackie the clinic cat keeps the dogs in line and is very good at fooling team members into believing she hasnt been fed.
After-hours Emergency Care:
Massey University Pet Emergency Centre (MUPEC)
Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital
University Avenue
Massey University
0800 PET EMERGENCY (0800 738 363)
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