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Pet Doctors Botany Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 19:10   Pet Services   9/2 Bishop Dunn Place Flat Bush Auckland 2013   27 views Reference: 53766

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Servicing: Auckland Region

Click to get direction: 9/2 Bishop Dunn Place Flat Bush Auckland 2013

Contact Info(s):

O: 092650035

About Pet Doctors Botany

The Pet Doctors Botany team are an experienced team of dedicated vets and nurses.

They have two full time vets, senior vet Dr Sujata Divekar and Dr Matthew Yeung who has been part of the team for almost a year now. Team Leader Janet Menzies and full time Client Relations Charlotte Arauzo have also worked for Pet Doctors for many years.

The nursing team comprises Depti Sen, Morgan Sanford and Stephanie Bacon. They are lucky to have come to know their existing long-term clients very well, and enjoy an excellent rapport with them, and love meeting new clients and welcoming them and their fur family members to the practice. They are a close-knit team and find their work both exciting and rewarding. Clinic cat Tittens, is often found in the waiting room or languishing on the reception desk to greet people.

Sebastian, the chinchilla is a source of fascination with visitors to the clinic, particularly their children who are delighted to get to feed him a cranberry from time to time. The clinic and cattery are open 6 days a week to cater for the ever changing needs of pet owners.The team at Pet Doctors Botany say their work day is one of immense satisfactioneveryday bringing variety and challenges, which they love!

We provide service to South & East Auckland especially the suburbs of Dannemora, Botany, Botany South, Flat Bush & East Tamaki.

After Hours Emergency:


15 Jack Conway Avenue, Manukau.

Phone: 09 277 8383


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