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Pet Doctors Barrington Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:05   Pet Services   5 Milton Street Somerfield Christchurch 8024   36 views Reference: 84405

0.0 star

Servicing: Christchurch

Click to get direction: 5 Milton Street Somerfield Christchurch 8024

Contact Info(s):

O: 033228071

About Pet Doctors Barrington

Pet Doctors Vets and Vet Nurses share your passion for pets, because your pets, our patients, are our world.
Were dedicated to making that world happier and healthier.

Pet Doctors Barrington serves a range of local Christchurch suburbs including Somerfield, Spreydon, Addington, Cashmere, Sydenham, City Central & Banks Penninsula.

We will always put your pets health and wellbeing first and are very fortunate to work alongside a bunch of the most dedicated vets, vet nurses and customer care people in the country.

The expertise and the latest equipment and high level of staff training that is available ensures that this is the only place we want to work. We are proud of our pain-free policy that ensures that all pets go home post-operatively with long acting pain relief.

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