Pauls Mechanical Repairs Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 03:57 Auto Services Servicing: Auckland City, Manukau City, Pukekohe Area 28 views Reference: 32192Contact Info(s):
O: 0800030679
Products and Services
Vehicle TypeImports, Domestic
VehiclesVans, Cars
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
PartsWheels, Mufflers, Clutches, Brakes
Service OptionsConsultations, Online Information, Emergency Services
SystemsExhaust Systems, Air Conditioning
ServicesCustom Work, Repairs, Alignments
AssurancesWarrant of Fitness, WOF
About Pauls Mechanical Repairs
Servicing East Tamaki, Pukekohe areas
If you're in need of automotive repair work in East Tamaki, Auckland the folks at Paul's Mechanical Repairs are your best bet.
Cars can be confusing, complicated, and a lot of work. Let the experts at Paul's Mechanical Repairs do the head scratching and hard work for you. We deal in all kinds of automotive repairs and enquiries, and can get your car running smoothly again before you know it.
At Pauls Mechanical Repairs, we are Toyota and Honda trained technicians with 42 years of experience. We offer full mechanical repairs for most of the brands.
We offer services including, WOF repairs, suspension repairs, brakes, clutch plates, servicing, tune ups, batteries, CV joints, spark plugs for all diesel and petrol vehicles.
For more information, please give us a call for an appointment.
What makes us different
We specialise in reliable automotive repairs for customers in the East Tamaki & Pukekohe areas. We can handle all types of automotive repair work, and we are trained servicing agents for Toyota and Honda vehicles. For professional automotive work you can trust, contact us today.
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