Paul Branch Automotive Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 21:06 Auto Services 7 Ake Ake Place Otaki 5512 26 views Reference: 294116Location: 7 Ake Ake Place Otaki 5512
Click to get direction: 7 Ake Ake Place Otaki 5512
Contact Info(s):
O: 063646111
F: 0800685869
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesPick-ups
BrandsNGK, Bridgestone, Firestone
TradesAutomotive Mechanics
PartsAll Season Tyres, Road Tyres, Tyres
ServicesRepairs, Fleet Services, Maintenance, Tyre Rotation, Wheel Repairs, Tyre Balancing, Towing, Tyre Changes
ConcernsCar Accidents, Punctures, Breakdowns
Price InformationMaintenance Contracts
AssurancesWarrant of Fitness, WOF
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About Paul Branch Automotive
Please call 0800 OTKTOW (0800 685 869)
Paul Branch Automotive is a locally owned and operated, Automotive Repair business in Otaki.
We offer reliable and affordable automotive work done by a qualified, trained and experienced team. We have years of experience, servicing and repairing a wide range of cars.
Our wide range of Services includes:
- Automotive Repairs
- Towing and Breakdowns
- WOF Servicing and Repairs
- Tyre Sales
- Tow & Salvage
- Tyres
- Punctures
- Good customer service
We are open from 8 to 5 on weekdays and our towing service is available 24/7.
Our workshop is in the new industrial park of Otaki
We look forward to looking after your automotive needs. To find out more about our services and for queries, please give us a call today or just visit us.
What makes us different
Contact us today at Paul Branch Automotive if you're in need of car servicing and repairs. We pride ourselves on outstanding customer service and are dedicated to keeping your vehicle in top condition.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.