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Paterson Pitts Group Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 04:09   Medical & Emergency   229 Moray Place Dunedin 9016   20 views Reference: 190977

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Servicing: Ranfurly Area, Balclutha Area, Queenstown Area, Roxburgh Area, Dunedin, Wanaka Area, Alexandra Area, Cromwell Area

Click to get direction: 229 Moray Place Dunedin 9016

Contact Info(s):

O: 034773245

F: 039281533

Opening hours


Products and Services


GPS Mapping, Consulting, Planning, Land Title Surveys, Boundary Marking, Engineering, Cadastral Mapping

Markets Served

Residential, Commercial


Land Development Engineers, Engineers, City & Town Planner, Land Surveyors, Geotechnical Engineers

Year est.


Mailing address

PO Box 5933 Dunedin 9058

About Paterson Pitts Group

Paterson Pitts Group is one of New Zealand's most capable Survey and Planning companies. We provide land survey and resource management services to clients throughout Otago.

The skills and wealth of experience of our staff ensure clients reap the benefits of combined knowledge and experience. Our services include Hydrographic, Topographical, Height certification, Unit title, Engineering, Boundary redefinitions, Land use, Compliance certificates, Resource management and more.

We have a broad and long-standing base of professional experience and have an extensive understanding of the relevant district and regional plans, bylaws, policies and procedural requirements of the various councils of Otago, South Canterbury, the West Coast and Southland.

For more information please visit our website or call us today! We have offices in Alexandra, Cromwell, Wanaka and Queenstown

What makes us different

Each Paterson Pitts office has a wealth of local knowledge, sound understanding of local Council rules and regulations and established contacts with varying professionals' involved in land development.

We provide a single point of contact and responsibility for clients via one of our directors or senior employees. With one point of contact this minimizes time, cost and risk involved in land development projects.

We have specialists who can handle large greenfield subdivisions ranging from 50 to in excess of 350 allotments. We also do not forget our smaller clients and are able to utilize or adapt our specialized skills to any sized subdivision. In short we know a lot about a lot, no pun intended.

Website: http://ppgroup.co.nz

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