Parkside Panels 1990 Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:22 Auto Services 28 Otepuni Avenue Invercargill 27 views Reference: 205338Location: 28 Otepuni Avenue Invercargill
Click to get direction: 28 Otepuni Avenue Invercargill
Contact Info(s):
O: 032167771
About Parkside Panels 1990 Ltd
In the Panel Beaters category, Parkside Panels 1990 Ltd is located in the Southland Region and are here to help you. Check out Parkside Panels 1990 Ltd today. We await your call!
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Seller Information
Parkside Panels 1990 Ltd
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About Seller
Auto Rescue provides complete towing services for the Invercargill area. We can handle just about any recovery job no matter the condition of your vehicle. **We guarantee:** * Fast response * Friendly team * Reasonable rates Our team of practiced drivers have the skills to ensure that any vehicle is towed safely and securely and receives no damage during transit. When you have a breakdown or accident, you need to call someone who can take care of the situation confidently and professionally, that's where we can help. Call us today and let one of our team make sure your vehicle has the best towing services available in Invercargill.