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Palmerston North Panel & Paint Ltd Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 05:30   Auto Services   665 Main Street Palmerston North 4414   27 views Reference: 137874

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Click to get direction: 665 Main Street Palmerston North 4414

Contact Info(s):

O: 063586285

F: 02102361754

Opening hours


Products and Services


Collision Repair Association

Courtesy Services

Courtesy Cars, Transportation Provided, Courtesy Rides


Panel Beaters

Price Information

Free Consultation, Free Delivery




Paint Shop, Bake Oven, Panel Shop



Service Options

Free Quotes, Delivery


Rebuilding, Dent Repairs, Panel Beating, Repairs, Body Repairs, Spot Welding, Panel Repairs, Frame Straightening, Paint Protection, Advice, Polishing, Welding, Dent Removal, Exterior Painting, Painting



Year est.


Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Palmerston North Panel & Paint Ltd

Palmerston North Panel and Paint has been undertaking crash repairs in the Manawatu for over 30 years and with qualified staff who have over 50 years of collective experience you can be assured of the quality of our workmanship. We are approved repairers for most major insurers including IAG, NZI, State, AMI and Lumley to name a few as well as being a member of the New Zealand Collision Repair Association. We are members of the New Zealand Collision Repair Association and utilise state of the art Chief chassis alignment equipment from the USA, this ensures that your vehicle is repaired to manufacturers specifications. Our qualified staff can repair all types of damage to your car including: * Chassis straightening * Dent removal * Crash damage * Rust removal A great paint finish is one of the first things people notice on a vehicle. Our paint shop is equipped with the right equipment and qualified staff making sure that when your vehicle leaves it is looking the very best it can. We use the latest paint systems from Du Pont to ensure a perfect factory colour match and showroom shine or to achieve that unique colour and finish for your special project. From a touch-up of a scratched panel through to a complete vehicle respray contact us to see how our paint department can help you. Visit our website for more information or call us today!

What makes us different

In addition to all your automotive requirements here at Palmerston North Panel & Paint we are experienced at applying paint coatings to many other surfaces such as boats, motorcycles, caravans, glass splash-backs etc. To ensure a perfect factory colour match and showroom shine through to that unique colour and finish for your special project, we use the latest paint systems from Cromax

Website: http://www.pnpanelandpaint.co.nz

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