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Pabla Law Professional

Sep 9th, 2022 at 22:11   Professional Services   Auckland   24 views Reference: 1324

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Location: Auckland

Contact Info(s):

O: 092138858

F: 092612471

About Pabla Law

At Pabla Law we aim to provide experienced legal advice at a reasonable price. Whether you are looking to purchase your first home or are a seasoned investor, you might be looking to down-size the family home or to buy a bigger house to accommodate the growing family, we can provide legal advice and assistance on all aspects of property law. Do you need help with estate planning? Whether your Will needs to be tweaked or whether you need to have a new Family Trust created, we can guide you through the process and make sure that your assets are protected for your loved ones. Worried about a family member losing capacity to make decisions? We can assist with preparing Enduring Powers of Attorney so you can act on their behalf. If the person has lost capacity we can also assist with an application to the Family Court to have a Welfare Guardian and Property Manager appointed. Do people owe you money and are giving you the run-around? Maybe a friendly reminder from a lawyer might help resolve the situation. We can also provide advice on liquidation and bankruptcy proceedings. Has a family member passed away? Do you need help with applying to the High Court for Probate (when you have a Will) or Letters of Administration (when the person passed away without a Will)? We can assist you with all aspects of administering the Deceaseds estate including closure of bank accounts, transfer of shares, updating land registry records and assisting with life insurance claims.



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