P & B Mechanical Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 01:13 Auto Services Whangarei 28 views Reference: 176495Location: Whangarei
Contact Info(s):
O: 078475241
F: 078475251
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
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- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
TradesAutomotive Mechanics
VehiclesCars, Cars, 4WD, Trucks, Cars, Vans, Motorcycles, 4WD, Cars
PartsBrakes, Cambelts, Clutches, Batteries, Clutches, Torque Converters, Gearboxes, Suspensions, Clutches, Brake Shoes, Clutch Cables, CV Joints, Ball Joints, Brake Linings, Brake Hoses, Brake Fluids, Brake Pads, Brake Drums
Vehicle Features4WD, Manual, Automatic, 4WD, Manual, Power Steering, 4WD
Markets ServedCommercial, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Residential
Payment OptionsEFTPOS, Visa
ConcernsBreakdowns, No Starts, Check Engine Light
SystemsAutomatic Transmissions, Manual Transmissions, Transmissions, Steering Systems, Suspension Systems
ServicesCalibrations, Alignments, Inspections, Balancing, Reconditioning, Repairs, Testing, Installation, Diagnostics, Repairs, Installation, Maintenance, Oil Changes, In-house Diagnostics, Alignments, Diagnostics, Balancing, Repairs, Tune-ups, Recharging, Maintenance, Oil Changes, Inspections, Alignments, Tyre Balancing, Repairs, Tune-ups, Testing, Machining, Repairs, Inspections
Price InformationFree Information
AssurancesWOF, Warrant of Fitness, Warranties
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About P & B Mechanical Ltd
A regular car service ensures your vehicle is safe to drive on the road and easily passes every WOF. From a basic car service to a fully personalised service, our mechanics, Hamilton auto electricians, and auto air refrigeration technicians assure that your vehicle will be in top form to run smoothly and fuel-efficiently on the road.
Car services are available from one car to an entire fleet of vehicles, with courtesy cars provided if required. Regular vehicle servicing can prevent potential car problems from occurring in the future, and can reduce the risk of a breakdown on the road.
What makes us different
We provide automotive electrics services in the Hamilton region. Along with our general auto electrical and mechanical services, we offer comprehensive Auto Air Conditioning services. Our prices are very competitive, and we offer a convenient courtesy car service. Call today to get a free quote.
Website: https://www.pandbgroup.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PB-Auto-Electrical-408149172627346/
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