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Ourvets Parklands Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 23:21   Pet Services   438 Mairehau Road Parklands Christchurch 8083   33 views Reference: 300013

0.0 star

Servicing: Christchurch

Click to get direction: 438 Mairehau Road Parklands Christchurch 8083

Contact Info(s):

O: 033832233

About Ourvets Parklands

Ourvets is a multi-location practice, where each veterinarians area of expertise fits together to create an extensive portfolio of veterinary skills and knowledge.

We love our own pets as much as you love yours. If you want the best care for your pet you have come to the right place.

Ourvets offer a wide range of preventative medical services such as vaccinations, nutrition and puppy playschool. We do both routine and advanced surgeries. Our well equipped central hospital has in-house laboratory, digital xray, ultrasonography, CT scanner and emergency and critical care equipment. This enables us to diagnose and treat complex and critically ill pets. Accepting referral patients from all over the South Island for advanced imaging and surgery, we also enjoy a close working relationship with other referral practices should your pet need this. Our veterinary nursing team are dedicated to making your pets stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

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