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Otago Orthodontics Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 21:37   Medical & Emergency   86 Lower Stuart Street Dunedin 9016   33 views Reference: 157756

0.0 star

Click to get direction: 86 Lower Stuart Street Dunedin 9016

Contact Info(s):

O: 034776372

F: 034776265

Products and Services


Monitoring, Straightening, Exams




Families, Children, Adults


Grinding, Crooked Teeth, Bites, Overbites, Crowding, Gaps, Teeth Spacing, Missing Teeth, Protruding Teeth, Overlapping Teeth


Bite Analysis

About Otago Orthodontics

Otago Orthodontics are highly skilled team of professionals who are committed to providing the finest personal service and highest possible standard of orthodontic care for our patients.

Orthodontic treatment can make a huge difference to a child through increased self-esteem and an optimistic future outlook. We will always recommend the most ideal treatment option that provides the best possible treatment outcome in the shortest period of time.

An orthodontic opinion might also be sought when you have:

  • Difficulty in chewing or biting
  • Speech difficulty
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth
  • Jaws that shift or make sounds

We have qualified and experienced team of orthodontists and dental auxiliary assistants.

For more information, please visit our website or call us today for an appointment.

What makes us different

We provide genuine care and comfort to our patients. We have a highly skilled team of professionals who are committed in providing the finest personal service and also the highest possible standard of orthodontic care to our patients.

Website: http://www.otago-orthodontics.co.nz

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