Osteopathic Health Clinic Ltd Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 21:25 Medical & Emergency 1317 Eruera Street Rotorua 3010 28 views Reference: 62340Location: 1317 Eruera Street Rotorua 3010
Click to get direction: 1317 Eruera Street Rotorua 3010
Contact Info(s):
O: 073496621
Products and Services
ServicesSpinal Care
AnatomyNeck, Joints, Back
ConcernsStress, Sciatica, Joint Pain, Accidents, Pain, Arthritis, Migraines, Headaches, Injuries, Pregnancy
Insurance AcceptedAccident Compensation Corporation
About Osteopathic Health Clinic Ltd
Rotoruas leading Osteopaths!
Osteopathic Health Clinic Ltd offers treatment and rehabilitation for your whole body, as all parts of the body are interrelated. We cater for everyone, babies, children, adults and seniors.
Contact us if you are suffering with lower back or neck pain, whiplash, headache or migraines, injuries, repetitive strain injury, arthritic pain, stiff or sore muscles & joints, sinus problems and digestive problems.
Also contact Osteopathic Health Clinic Ltd if your baby is suffering with:
- Colic, Wind, Ear Infections
- Difficulty Turning Head Either Way
- Feeing Unsettled
Osteopathic Health Clinic Ltd uses a combination of articulation, manipulation, massage, stretches, ligamentous techniques which are suitable for all ages.
Visit our website for more information or call now!
What makes us different
We can help you:
- Osteopathy is a whole body treatment.
- We look at the body as a whole, emphasizing that all parts of the body are interrelated.
- As Osteopaths we use a combination of articulation, manipulation, massage, stretches, ligamentous techniques and also cranial treatment, suitable for babies, children and adults.
- We also go through suitable exercises and stretches with you.
Website: http://www.rotoruaosteopaths.co.nz
osteopathsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.