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O'Neil Architecture Ltd Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 19:39   Professional Services   Servicing: Canterbury Region   51 views Reference: 98953

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Contact Info(s):

O: 033793004

F: 033793005

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To Customer Requirements, Project Management, Construction, Design

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High End Residences

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About O'Neil Architecture Ltd

Welcome to O'Neil Architecture Ltd - we are an award-winning architecture company who design and construct inspired, timeless and elegant homes that reflect the individuality and lifestyle of our clients.

Our knowledge, expertise and design flair ensure the high-end residential homes we create exceed all expectations, at the same meeting budget constraints and ensuring they enhance the lifestyle of our clients and their families. Depending on the project we can usually offer a fixed price quote, and we do not apply a standard % like many other practices.

Our promise to you: You will be listened to, your needs identified, and we will deliver to you an inspired solution.

Please visit our website for more information, including a portfolio showcasing some of our homes, then call or email to arrange your free consultation today.

What makes us different

We sepcialise in Architectural design in the Rangiora region. Our team consists of highly trained and experienced architects who strive to ensure perfection in every design.

Website: http://www.oneil.co.nz

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