One Stop Brake & Auto Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:08 Auto Services 2 Redwood Street Blenheim 7201 27 views Reference: 232938Location: 2 Redwood Street Blenheim 7201
Servicing: Marlborough Region
Click to get direction: 2 Redwood Street Blenheim 7201
Contact Info(s):
O: 035792000
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
FacilitiesAuto Machine Shops, Workshop
BrandsMonroe, Monroe Shocks, Monroe Shocks
VehiclesTrucks, Cars, 4WD
PartsHoses, Engines, Brakes, Alternators, Shocks & Struts, CV Joints, Radiators, Bearings, Starter Motors, Carburetor, Suspensions, Transmissions, Plugs, Lights, Differentials, Bull Bars, Camshafts, Mufflers, Filters, Climatrol, Condensers, Regulators, Radiators, Air Hoses, Engines, Water Pumps, Brake Shoes, Camshafts, Ball Joints, Batteries, Belts, Bearings, Brake Linings, Cambelts, Brake Drums, Carburettors, Brake Shoes, Brake Drums, CV Joints, Brake Linings, Brake Fluids, Clutches, CV Boots, Filters, Brake Pads, Brake Hoses, Gears, Plugs, Clutches, Shock Absorbers, Brakes, Filters
EquipmentShocks & Struts, LED, Hitches, Bull Bars, Nudge Bars, Lighting
ProductsCV Joints, Tow Balls, Oil
ServicesInspections, Tune-ups, Lubrication, Oil Changes, Cambelt Replacements, Clutch Replacement, Calibrations, Tune-ups, Lubrication, Tune-ups, Testing
Markets ServedResidential, Commercial, Residential, Commercial, Commercial
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Genuine Parts, Locally Owned & Operated, Owner On-site, WOF, Manufacturers Warranties, Warrant of Fitness, Locally Owned & Operated, Independently Owned & Operated
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About One Stop Brake & Auto
Call One Stop Brake & Auto your LOCAL Specialist for all your vehicle requirements: **WOF $55 INCLUDING GST** OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: * Full Vehicle Servicing * Mufflers, Brakes * Shock Absorbers * Suspension * Clutches * Vehicle Air Conditioning Diagnostics * Batteries * Automatic Transmission Servicing & Tow Bars. We are agents for Ironman 4x4 accessories including bull bars, Big Bore exhausts, winches, LED lightbars, roof racks, sports bars, canopies, Ironman 4x4 Foam Cell pro shock absorbers and suspension kits and much more. We are locally owned and operated and an MTA member. Ring or call in for friendly, quality, qualified advice.
What makes us different
For comprehensive automotive repairs offered at competitive prices in the Blenheim area, see the team at One Stop Brake & Auto. We offer a number of services designed to have you back on the road safely. For more information, call and speak to the team today.
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