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Sep 10th, 2022 at 06:19   Auto Services   Servicing: Aka Aka, Bombay, Buckland, Clarks Beach, Glenbrook, Kingseat, Mangatangi, Mangatawhiri, Maramarua, Maramarua Forest, Kopuku, Meremere, Pukekawa, Pokeno, Paerata, Patumahoe, Pukekoh   29 views Reference: 45464

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Servicing: Aka Aka, Bombay, Buckland, Clarks Beach, Glenbrook, Kingseat, Mangatangi, Mangatawhiri, Maramarua, Maramarua Forest, Kopuku, Meremere, Pukekawa, Pokeno, Paerata, Patumahoe, Pukekohe, Pukekohe East, Puni, Te Kohanga, Glen Murray, Onewhero, Merce

Contact Info(s):

O: 0272164473


We have a fully equipped Workshop located in Pukekohe. Ready for you to drop your vehicle in at your convenience. Parts onsite or able to order in. We know the importance your Vehicle, and we try our best to get your truck is back on the road in a timely manner and as in-expensive as possible. We pride ourselves on being Good People doing Good Work, locally owned and operated family business.
Keep your Vehicle running well, by changing the Oil, Filters and Lubricating Moving parts. Is preventing unnecessary wear and tear. A well-maintained Engine will save you fuel and extend the life of your Vehicle. Also regularly checking over the vehicle and being aware of safety issues. We Service all makes and models of Heavy Diesel Trucks and Machinery. Book in today!
B Service
Standard Service
C Service
A Comprehensive Service

Repairs/ Maintenance
Book in for Big or Small Repairs and Maintenance Jobs for all makes of models of Trucks and Machinery. Including welding work, replacing Parts, COF Repairs, Engine and Gearbox Replacements

We have an equipped Mobile Diesel Service. Open 24hrs for breakdowns, coming to where you need us, to get you moving again.

Equipped with a mobile Hydraulic unit, to repair and replace damaged Hydraulic Hoses. Minimising your down time. Using top quality Yokohama hose and Quality Fittings so that when working in high-pressure environments, you have a product that is superior in performance and service life.

With the equipment and the know how to run diagnosis on your vehicle

Contact Us
Workshop Manager Gary 0272164473
Office 09 2382440 Accounts Emily 0210777710

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