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Obsidian Beauty Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 23:26   Health & Beauty   122 Palmerston Street Westport 7825   38 views Reference: 300289
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Servicing: West Coast

Click to get direction: 122 Palmerston Street Westport 7825

Contact Info(s):

O: 037898732

About Obsidian Beauty

At Obsidian Beauty we ascertain, that like the precious Obsidian,
We will shine a light on negativity and help clear it away.
Obsidian possesses powerful properties including stabilising , grounding and restoring harmonious balance.
A magnifier of healing energy, drift away into the abyss of Obsidian Beauty.
You are greeted to the grounded ambience, cosy light and peaceful harmony.
We represent a lifestyle that is balanced, a space of holistic experience and products that transform you to another realm.
On the table

Our signature treatments are perfectly fitted, tailored to your individual needs. To realign and restore.
Obsidian Beauty ...

Is here to transport you from the turmoil of millennial life, find your calm, sedate, passive moment.
Our therapies are spirited and connected and built on personally administered skill to retune the body and melt away the days cares......

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