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Oamaru Eyecare Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 18:18   Medical & Emergency   413 Thames Highway Oamaru   33 views Reference: 91204

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Click to get direction: 413 Thames Highway Oamaru

Contact Info(s):

O: 034370707

F: 036889791

About Oamaru Eyecare

Welcome to Visique Oamaru Eyecare.

Dave and Deb Roberts moved to Oamaru with their 3 boys in 2006. Moving from Napier, Oamaru appealed partly because of its unique Victorian heritage, partly because Daves great, great grandfather had settled in Oamaru in the 1860s but mostly because Oamaru is just a really cool place to be.

With a consultation room full of high-tech equipment and a showroom full of cutting edge fashion frames and sunglasses, it is clear that the team at Visique Oamaru Eyecare are committed to delivering Oamaruvians the best. The best eyecare, the best eyewear - and the best value.

Recognising that there are great needs in other parts of the world Dave and Deb, via a connection with Sandy Meikle (an Oamaru nurse who works in hospitals and clinics in the Democratic republic of Congo and Zambia), collect and recycle 2nd hand glasses and ship them to Lumbumbashi.They are grateful to the Oamaru locals who generously donate their glasses to the cause.

All Visique stores are 100% kiwi-owned and operated. Dave and Deb are proud to be part of Visique as their ideals of integrity, service and reliability align perfectly and they are so pleased they made the move to Oamaru.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CanonStreetOptometrists/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/canonstreetoptometrists/

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