NZ Vinyl Repair & Trim Shop Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:25 Auto Services Christchurch 32 views Reference: 86419Location: Christchurch
Contact Info(s):
O: 033771757
F: 033774737
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
VehiclesMotorcycles, 4WD, Trucks, Cars
ServicesTrimming, Custom Work, To Customer Requirements, Installation, Customising, Repairs, Replacement, Restoration, Repairs, Recovering
ConcernsWater Damage, Pet Damage, Spills, Burns, Stains
ProductsWool, Nylon, Canvas, Foam, Sewing Supplies, Covers
MaterialsWool, Leather, Nylon, Velvet, Canvas, Upholstery, Velcro, Leather, Fabric, Canvas, Foam, Vinyl
Markets ServedCommercial
Service OptionsQuotes
AssurancesLocally Owned
About NZ Vinyl Repair & Trim Shop
Do you need to fix or repair your beloved piece of furniture? No matter how minor or major, the New Zealand Vinyl Repair & Trim Shop can fix it and restore a new lease of life into your furniture!
NZ Vinyl Repair & Trim shop are your furniture and car trimming & upholstery specialists. We service all of Christchurch and the Canterbury region, and we cater to the residential and commercial markets.
Our team of professionals offer over 30 years industry experience, knowledge and expertise to handle any type of car trimming & upholstery or furniture upholstery & repair/recovery job.
We can help you out with:
- Rips, Tears, Burns
- Carpet & Hood/Head Linings
- Leather
- Trims
- Restoration
- Truck, Marine & Caravan Trims
- Motorcycle, Forklift & Tractor Seats
- 4WD Tyre Covers
- Trampolines
- Furniture Upholstery, Repair & Recover
We're reliable, professional and pride ourselves on our workmanship. For this reason, we have garnered many loyal customers over the years.
Make NZ Vinyl Repair And Trim Shop your first choice for furniture upholstery & repair or car trimming & upholstery needs!
For more information, visit our website, or for any queries contact us today!
What makes us different
NZ Vinyl Repair & Trim Shop provides all the upholstery services you need: Modern finishes, Custom design and Classic finishes. No job is impossible!
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.