NZ Spraylinings Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:25 Auto Services Servicing: Christchurch 25 views Reference: 86404Location: Servicing: Christchurch
Contact Info(s):
O: 021399640
Opening hours
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Products and Services
FeaturesChemical Resistant
Price InformationFree Quotes, Free Consultation
FacilitiesAttached Garage, Auto Machine Shops
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Free Consultation, Quotes, Small Jobs
MaterialsConcrete, Protective Coverings, Epoxy, Polyurethane, Polymers
ServicesCrack Sealing, Waterproofing
Markets ServedAgricultural, Residential, Industrial, Marine, Commercial, Commercial, Residential, Industrial
ProductsPolyurethane, Spray-in Bed Liners, Membranes
Vehicle StyleHatchbacks, Coupes, Passenger, Heavy Duty, Sport, Sedans, Light Duty, Station Wagons, Convertible
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About NZ Spraylinings
Rhino Linings are undisputed world leaders in spray applied protective linings for the automotive and light commercial markets. As Canterburys only Rhino Linings dealership we offer a vast range of application possibilities. From sprayed on ute liners to building waterproofing and almost anything else you can possibly imagine.
Rhino Linings have a range of products that offer a solution for almost every situation where asset protection is required. Our flexible, impact and abrasion resistant coatings offer outstanding protection in the both the automotive, marine and industrial markets, and as a seamless waterproofing membrane are a solution for many water proofing problems.
Our fully mobile unit is able to undertake product applications all around the south island. No job is too big or too small.
Check out the Rhino Linings NZ website for further information.
What makes us different
We only use premium grade refinish products and processes when spray painting your vehicle. We strive to be the best provider of collision repair services to our customers by delivering outstanding customer experiences and exceeding their expectations.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.